Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Today I got out of bed, had a day, and haven't really woken up yet ...

When I came home to let the dog(s) out I REALLY wanted chocolate (hormonal, very tired, habit...). I walked into the bedroom, thought of my husband and my commitment for him the next three days, and walked back out.

My man ....
I was very frustrated a couple years ago with myself. I went to God and told Him that I felt like a black hole. Regardless of how many days my husband loved on me - through all kinds of moods - on the first bad day HE had I was right annoyed and short. When I asked God about it He impressed on me that my love for HIM was the same way! And that until I could love myself (I HATE that cliche!), believe both God and Roger love me, I was very much a black hole. Since that time, God has used Roger multiple times to demonstrate His love to me.
("I Need You to Love Me" by Barlow Girls - fits for me with both God and Roger!)

My husband has never been one to buy flowers or anything like that - in fact, after one of his quading trips he came in the door all grins and said something like, "You know how I never buy you flowers?" I said yes. He pulled out a saskatoon sprout and said something like, "Well, here are flowers for a lifetime - AND fruit!" I, of course, had to reply something like "That's my man!" (It still grows by my living room window :) )
Well, Valentines has never been a big deal either, especially since his mom died on Valentine's. So it was no surprise that Valentine's morning he left to get a bobcat to clear our driveway. I sat in the living room, not even dressed yet, crying out to God. I felt like such a failure as a wife, but felt too empty with nothing to give. I also was feeling estranged from God. I was just asking for His reassurance and help when the door bell rang. I immediately wondered who in the world it was and why in the world I hadn't combed my hair yet! I went to the door and Roger was standing there with a dozen beautiful roses with all the trimmings AND a Timmy's coffee (up to that point he REFUSED - hated Timmy's!). Needless to say, I bawled. I felt like God Himself was standing there. Poor Roger wasn't sure how to react to my tears and hugs!

Goal with my man 2) To be fit enough to go riding in the mountains! (Then maybe I can get a picture of HIM!)

1/2 cup oats, 1/4 apple, B sugar

1 coffee at home, 1 at work
1 3/4 small apples

jujubes at school
ribs, potatoes, peas and corn

Walk Tucker - no ... The unexpected happened this evening and needed my immediate attention. Good reason, out of respect, that is all I can say.

1 comment:

  1. WHY CAN'T I GET THE WORDS TO STAY UNDER THE PICTURE!!????? No time, gotta keep going!
