Thursday, September 24, 2009

Facts plus a little...

Down a total of 4 pounds this morning ... keep in mind, fluid retention and nothing official till Saturday morning.

Up lots again last night. I was encouraged to believe that when a child is growing their chemicals go a bit out of balance, making it hard for them to sleep. I also wonder if any of this restlessness is due to equinox stuff...

At any rate, I went back to bed for 20 minutes this morning, and still feel a bit wonky. I will need to keep my wits about me today...

How am I? Physically and mentally very, very tired. Emotionally a wreck ... a conversation I started ended terribly - I am still feeling very angry and frustrated and a bit numb ... I hate it when people assume the worst in me and my character. Obviously I still have left overs from the weekend!


1/2 cup oats, 1 small apple, 2Tblsp Bsugar

apple, carrots, a few jujubes

a spoon of peanut butter, 1 Ritz cracker, a small plate of corn taco chips with about 2 Tblsp salsa, 2 oreo cookies (Gee, think I should have taken more lunch! Good thing I bought groceries!)

chicken stir fry (peppers, carrots, celery, bean sprouts)

corn on cob from friend's garden with a bit of butter and salt


Biked Tucker - with child in front - makes a huge difference!

Treadmill - 20 minutes

Need to drink more water, stay away from those 'naughty' things, and I'll be getting on track!

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