Sunday, September 27, 2009

All a Jumble

Yep! All is a jumble.

I have tried to write something a couple times, but think it best I leave it with the facts today...
Ok, so I've changed my mind.
I should have reordered my hormone cream because I'm starting to 'feel' it.
I need to drink more water, hug my kids and laugh more.
I need some quiet time with God - when I don't have to be watching the clock too.
I need to learn about love again. ... hence the timelyness of my aunts blog "letters of hope" - refer to bottom of page if you are interested...

Worship was good this morning. The leader is gifted and he brought our attention to the Tabernacle symbolism as we 'entered in' - which excited my spirit - which was very refreshing! I wish to share it all here - but that would get lengthy - lets just say God doesn't waste His time, EVERY detail means something! AND, I long to be in His Presence. I 'sense' it occasionally, and I know His Spirit is always with me ... but its been awhile since I was wholly in His presence.

I am having very unhealthy and negative thoughts and feelings ... I hope by drawing close to my Maker, that I will sort out this battle raging within me, for through Him all things are possible!

1/2cup oats, 1 apple, Bsugar 2 coffee

1 coffee, chicken noodle soup broth, a couple little pieces of chocolate that my man gave me

2 chocolate bars, oreo cookie and a couple Ritz crackers, and a piece of gum

2 Chicken drumsticks and a tiny bit of potatoes

Biked with Tucker

- church, clean fish tank, laundry

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