Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Just the Facts

Still down 2-3 pounds

All together today I had:
too much coffee, 3 granola bars, 2 nectarines, 1 apple, 1/2 banana, 1/2 cup oats 1 Tbsp Bsugar, 1 pork chop, carrots/cucumber/tomatoes from the garden, box of chocolate covered raisins

I biked with Tucker
Treadmill - 20 minutes

Was up to 12:30 last night, Roger got home about 1:30am I think, Christine was up and Dylan was up for a good hour and a half till I crawled in with him ... I am very tired and have a killer headache.
Will continue helping kids with homework and hope to get to bed early...

Yah right ... Christine is low - have to stay up till at least 11pm to test her again ... maybe Roger will be home soon and let me go to bed??

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