Monday, September 28, 2009

Last day of blah and boring! (I hope!)

I've got nothin' ... did complete opposite of my friends inspiration to only have BENEFICIAL beverages ... bet she's feeling better then I!

Tomorrow I take my eldest for an orthodontic appointment, and look forward to seeing my mom on her birthday.

coffee and chocolate
+1 orange + chicken nuggets
= headachey, dehydrated and yucky...

Monday = kindergarten day, recess supervision and my week to run home during 1/2 hour lunch break to let dogs out.
Walked Tucker extra long
talked with husband instead of going on treadmill
went to parent meeting

What do you do to inspire yourself? ... Especially when you seemt o be running to catch your own tail!?

I am sincerely sorry and apologize for general blah of the recent posts! I will play 'hide and seek' with Jesus today and hope to find something interesting for todays (Tuesday's) blog!

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