Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Memory trees

I received a love letter today.

I believe in keeping no records of wrongs. I believe forgiveness is vital. I think I walk in that ... and so am dismayed with myself when I 'react'. But my mind wanders back to things I learned from Dr. Caroline Leaf. Everytime something happens to us we 'burn' a memory tree in our minds. They can see differences between tree memories. The ones associated with positive feelings are smooth, the ones that are associated with hurts or anger look thorny. Every time a memory tree is triggered - by words, situation, etc.; that memory tree is added to. Which explains why people will over react. Someone says 'one little thing' - but in that persons mind that whole memory tree is triggered, sending out the equivalent chemicals - and so they 'over react'. Dr. Leaf proves that the only way they have seen a 'thorn bush' loose it's thorniness is through forgiveness!! You can never get rid of memory trees, but by forgiving the thorny parts fall off and a new memory is overlayed on it. That is why I can discuss and remember sexual abuse, but it sincerely brings no hurtful feelings back - it has been overlayed with forgiveness and new memories of reconcilation.

So, in my relationships. I thought I have forgiven, but because the hurt is so intense, things don't roll off of me anymore, and I feel spiteful, all tells me that I really haven't truly forgiven.
But thanks to Abba, and the amazing love of a truly amazing man, I can move on fresh and new ...

I am down two pounds according to the scale this morning! This is not official though till my one week mark Saturday morning...

Now, as I set out today Father, I commit it into Your hands. I pray You prepare me for whatever it will bring. I pray that all I do and say will bless Your heart and please You, and may I truly glorify You in my body - for it is the temple of Your Holy Spirit and was bought with the precious blood of Christ. Thank You for our amazing minds and that through You (and sometimes the knowledge You bless us with) we are able to transform them!
(Be back this evening!)

Today two 'life coaches named Betty and Karen came to our school. They have partnered with Trent (?) and Smalley and developed a program called "Incredible Creatures". They came to work with grade 1-6 and stayed this evening to work with the staff. We had been asked to do the on line assessment - and it turned out quite accurate for all of us. It basically confirm what I already knew - but also renewed my resolve to value another's differences rather then judge them. My husband isn't an abrupt jerk, he is a 'lion' who likes to be to the point and efficient with his time.
I also like the quote "Lead from your strengths and hire from your weaknesses." My husband and I are opposites in most areas - I need to stay focused on his strengths as supporting my weak areas, building me up, and keeping me balanced. Together we make a great team with few 'holes'.
To know more go to www.incrediblecreatures.ca or www.incredibleliving.ca .

I was at school till 4:30 - rushed to get glasses that weren't in yet
Rushed home to make dinner and rushed back to the school for the team building meeting. Back at 9:30 - kids still up, kitchen a mess, etc.

Treadmill - no
Walk Tucker - no
Eat right - no
Laugh - a fair bit this evening :)

What did I eat you ask? Hmmm...
1/2cup oats, 1/2 apple, 2 Tblsp B sugar
coffee ?#
left over BBQ chicken and granola bar
McDonalds chicken nuggets with BBQ sauce and a diet coke
salt and vinegar chips with a diet 7Up
plus chocolate throughout the day

"Hi, my name is Ruth and I am a chocolaholic."

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