Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Preliminary prepping!


I am hoping that this format may be just the ACCOUNTABILITY I need.
My hopes are that I will beable to ACHIEVE my goals & experience SUCCESS,
and that some family and friends will take the time to come and hold me accountable.

My weight, or more correctly, my internal issues regarding self esteem and food, have been my undesired companion for MUCH too long.

Holding knowledge does NOT equal freedom.
Rather, practicing the right thing till that right thing becomes HABIT is what I believe will bring freedom.

I am great at setting goals, but as time progresses and my long term goal is further and further away from my end goal date I lose heart.
After a person falls so many times and is bruised and hurting, they are afraid to stand back up.

SO! 4 weeks.
Long enough to see a change,
short enough to start again with a clean slate and regroup.

Long term goal (I just can't not do this!):
- 100 lb weight loss and to be healthy and fit
- reachable in a healthy and safe manner well within a year.

**I have a lot of allergies that cause me to swell and retain fluid. Rotation diets are very important - but for the sake of habit forming and success on my first challenge I will be eating pretty much the same stuff daily.

Breakfast: 1/2 cup oats, 1 apple, 2 Tblsp brown sugar
*will allow myself one coffee with creamer
during day: fresh cut fruits and vegetables
optional fish/chicken or walnuts if I have
supper: vegetables and meat (fish or chicken)
WATER /herbal tea
*Fridays I will allow myself one small bowl of chips and a pop ... again, I need a taste of success and I hope with this to look forward to it will help me stay on task.

Walk my dog daily, as well as at least 20 minutes on my treadmill daily

Scale Goal: 8 lbs in 4 weeks.

Blog Goal: to track my food and excercise
to journal problem areas, emotions, with:
scripture or inspirational things to help me through
(basically this is my journal on line!)
and to record my scale +/- #

Not starting today yet ... just getting familiar with this blogging for a couple days first!

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