Thursday, October 1, 2009

Give me 5!


My Man...
Yesterday I told you a bit about how God uses my man to teach me His love. My man started a new family thing(he often does!), he will say things like "Got five for you.", meaning some cuddle time. There have been times it would just feel like the 'WRONG TIME', but, as I am learning, my husband is gifted at altering moods. Before long, being held in his arms, I would start to relax. Even though my kids sometimes balk at it too, ("Ah dad!" as he scoops them up into his arms), you just KNOW that its very meaningful for them too. Life is very short, and just 5 minutes in the arms of a loved one can make a huge difference and impact!

Well, in a service the Pastor was speaking about our relationship with God and, although he never did relate it to marriage, it was very clear to me. So I leaned into my man, put my hand on his lap and whispered "He just wants 5 minutes!" He grinned, put his arm around me and pulled me close.

Photo courtesy of a good friend - seems my hunting photos of my man aren't on file anymore :(

Goal with my man 3) to take on hunting, full force (although I still believe I'll be holding a camera in my hand and not a rifle!) He left on a hunting trip this afternoon...


1/2 cup oats, 1/2 apple, brown sugar

2 coffee

1 nectarine and 1 banana

1 box chocolate covered raisins, 2 bowls salt and vinegar chips

2 chicken drumsticks

Walked Tucker

TREADMILL - nope ... was too long on here... and had a few more chips!

I had errands to run, got home and walked Tucker - but went a lot longer then anticipated. Had to start supper, GirlGuides came to door and I bought a couple boxes of cookies. My stomache kept grumbling and I had been successfully fighting the urges to eat junk. So then I justified having a few salt and vinegar chips (not allergic to, craving salt so perhaps my body needed some, I have no vegetables to really speak of, and it will only be a few); but I had a couple small handfuls. Then I think I unconsciously associate food with relaxing, being tired and done as much as I could while cooking, I lost focus. I had more chips and was going to quit, then I went and got a box of raisins.... I got mad and almost went to get more chocolate - I messed up anyway right!? But I did stop, I guess that is something.

....wish my man was here to give me 5!

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