Tuesday, September 22, 2009

A look back at goals

A friend's blog inspired me to make an actual step to make a difference. Back in May and June I had ideas stirring within me. I decided that I would first, ask God for the gift of 'words of knowledge'. I would then set 1 week goals where I would take one friend and their family and pray for them the whole week, perhaps even fast (WOW - I know!); and then I was hoping for words to write them a letter that would inspire, motivate and move them - joined with a hug from the Holy Spirit ;) .

In June some serious issues and concerns came to surface with my eldest and my whole focus changed. I did apply for a summer job, but will admit I was a little relieved as I desperately wanted and needed time with my kids. So the following is how the first page of my summer journal:

to press in with prayer and fasting for loved ones...

to be given a word for each that will inspire, refresh and have eternal roots...

to write letters and notes that are anointed to touch hears, turn eyes to our Creator, and renew souls...

to be equipped and prepared for the next year, and the next 8-10 years of my children's lives...

to intercede and hedge in my children's hearts ...

My current journal has two verses and my 'symbols' drawn on the first page, on the second page it says:

I have been:
-learning to wait of God
-longing to KNOW His Voice

-to laugh at least once with students daily
-to laugh at least once with family daily
-to have at least 30 minutes alone with God every morning
-to walk Tucker every afternoon
-to hug my kids at least 3x a day
-to eat right with grace
-to relax and take each day as it comes

-continued desire to pray for and write my friends and family - perhaps using their birthdays as guidelines
(+a couple other minor things)

This evening - talking to the life coaches - brought to mind two bigger dreams that I wonder if I'll ever accomplish.
- a bulletin/newsletter for 'the church of Slave Lake' - denominations are man made...
- a family center that is family friendly, and is also a health store/ tea house / holistic doctor place (which I would be one of). A place where I could help support my family - but also a place where people could leave feeling refreshed, renewed, motivated and inspired. A place where I could have a bulletin board with all the business cards like USANA dealers, Nutrilite dealers, massage therapists, etc... (you get the idea!)

Anyway. Having a blog about what I am eating and my weight seems so trivial - yet I know that my weight greatly affects who I am and my confidence to do what I feel in my heart. So, some blogs may contain yucky emotional stuff, stuff that sounds like excuses, stuff that shouldn't be felt - never mind spoken, but my sincere hope is to find freedom from my flesh. As a Christian woman I believe I find that through dying at the cross and allowing the Holy Spirit to live through me. Darkness has to flee when there is light - so I am shedding a very public light on it. Yikes!

So, now you know me a little better. I may or may not add to this post tomorrow (Wednesday).

Time to go kiss and hug my kidlets to sleep and prep for my man coming home ...

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