Saturday, September 26, 2009

Day 1 of Week 2 of 4 week challenge

Beginning day 1 of week 2 with an official weight loss of 3 pounds this week.

1pm - So far today - cleaning bathrooms
-A 'beaver' type mom trying to get 'otter' type son to clean his room!
- Listening to buck and doe calls fill my home and laughing at our dogs reaction.
-Getting tagged with old tag stickers by my man - as long as he uses my favorite gun ;D
-getting photos and videos on facebook .............

-and listening to a song my man came home and commented about - "While I am waiting" ... some are like my sister, waiting for freedom from cancer; some are longing for a child; some for a breakthrough with a relationship ... no matter what you are waiting for you, God is good!

"Those that wait on the Lord will renew their strength, they shall rise up on wings as eagles, they shall run and not grow weary, they shall walk and not faint, teach me Lord, teach me Lord to wait."

"Patiently I will wait.
I will move ahead bold and confident.
Taking every step in obedience,
While I am waiting - I will serve You,
WI am waiting - I will worship,
While I am waiting - I will not faint,
I will be running the race even while I wait.
While I am waiting I am peaceful,
I am waiting - though its not easy - no
but faithfully I will wait."
(While I Am Waiting by John Waller)

a spoon of peanut butter and an oreo - I DON'T KNOW WHY!!
2 coffee
1/2 cup oats, 1 apple, 2 Tbsp B sugar
(as of 1:30pm)

1/3 of a banana and a glass of apple juice

a couple little (and I mean LITTLE) carrots out of my garden and another glass of apple juice

ribs, garden fresh potatoes, salad (lettuce, peppers, cucumber, celery) with a bit French Dressing, ice tea

ended up having a bowl of chips with the family

Walked Tucker - with Dylan, we bought a couple new fetch toys and went to the football field with him, then we walked some of the trails

TREADMILL - Did 5 minutes - interrupted. Did 5 minutes again - interrupted. Did 10 minutes and realized I had to stop to make supper!

Did 30 minutes after supper.


  1. Good Job Ruth! I am now caught up with your blogs. I seem to lose them, so I think I will just save the URL, so I can keep coming back and be a better support to you! You are created by a Creator who loves beauty and uniqueness. You are beautiful inside and out (even when you cannot seem to see it, He does). What you are doing is for His glory, but also for your good! Keep it up! (What I am saying to you, I am also saying to me, because I need to hear it to!) We will each win our battles, if we rely on His strength!

  2. Thank you anonymous! I was hoping I could guess the giver, but I have a few names in mind ... next time sign it if you please! (hehe, unless you prefer to be anonymous of course! lol)
