Sunday, September 20, 2009

Clouds and Sunsets

How do YOU deal with it when you are made to feel that nothing you say or do is right?

I am going to try to do this quickly to keep the peace! So lets see...

It has been a rough day. And I made it worse by reacting defensively and in anger. A person can choose to think the best of someone or the worst. I have learnt that thinking the best of people, taking issues to our Creator in prayer, and letting things roll off ones back gets the best results long term.
SO! I am choosing to believe the best - after all - I truly believe it is extremely rare that one person purposefully hurts another. It never ceases to amaze me though, how different two people's perspective can be!

On my walk with Tucker this evening I really enjoyed the sunset
and the lesson I learnt is that

without the dark yucky clouds I would never see the breath taking sunset at the end of the day! :)

Todays main activities were teaching Sunday school and getting a load of wood.

2 coffee

1/2 cup oats, 1 whole apple, 2 Tbsp B.sugar

moose steak (not sure if I'm allergic to that), garden fresh potatoes, fresh carrots, tomatoes and cucumbers - all from my own 'flower' bed! :)

I did mess up though and gave in to 3/4 chocolate bar. I DID resist, a couple times, but caved in the end.

Treadmill - 20 minutes
Walked Tucker

Only 'joy' today was the sunset ... Jesus, you are a real amazing painter! :)

Another week is about to roar down the tracks ... wish I had a pause button!

PS - I haven't put my 'number' on the blog - not sure I am ready to post that - silly isn't it! Everyone can see I am obese - who really cares what the number is! I have logged it here though and will keep you appraised...
It is 6:30am Monday morning - technically day 3.

I had a banana last night - so I need to add that in.
Then I was up lots with children last night and feel exhausted this morning - you won't believe what I did. First, getting the lunch kits out I tipped the oil and the lid came off! Thankfully it was canola and not olive - the waste would have upset me more if it had been olive!
Then while preparing the kids lunches - I had a banana with PEANUT BUTTER of all things! My feet will look like water balloons today!
While on line I took the time to read my Aunty Eulene's last blog - HOW TIMELY! "One tick(day) at a time" ...

I wish I had permission to quote Max Lucado's whole chapter 11 from "When God Whispers Your Name". It's entitled "The Choice" and in it he takes you to a dark morning with coffee in hand (similar to me at the moment) and as the day approaches he chooses to make a choice ...
"I choose love..." , "I choose joy..." etc. Its very good and I recommend it.

It is still dark and so I feel that I have time to 'reboot' with these two tools. Thank You Father - for Your mercies are new every morning!

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