Friday, November 13, 2009

What Has BLOGGING Done For You?

Blogging has shown me a couple things.


I am a 'big picture' kind of girl. Dr. Caroline Leaf talks about how we aren't right or left brained - but rather, to think correctly, we use both, insync with each.
One side tends to go from big picture to little picture - understanding that 4 is two groups of two, or looking at the picture of a puzzle before laying the next piece.
The other side tends to go from little picture to big - understanding that 2x2=4, or looking at the shape and specific colors on a piece of puzzle and seeing where it fits into the big picture.
In order to think well, retain knowledge, and be able to use it well, one has to think in synergy with each side. When you understand that 4 is 2 groups of 2 AND that 2x2=4 - then you have understanding.
Well, we do tend to lean to one or the other and I am a big picture kind of girl.

If I were an accountant I would prefer a table of paper legends to a computer screen with a segment at a time.
I love planning year plans for school and have to do my day plans within segments of themes or units or it drives me crazy.
I don't feel my home is clean even after cleaning it because the WHOLE home isn't completely done.
And my blog. I wish there were a way of keeping just the best and most inspirational at the forefront, I wish I could see the whole picture.
When it comes to losing weight, I can see myself slender and beautiful. I can see myself couselling others. I can see a 'pro-bono' job for my boobs ;) lol. But seeing me in the "in between" stages is difficult. Even if I had lost my 16 pounds over the last two challenges, I would still be officially obese, I would still be in the midst of the fight. Don't take me wrong - I'm not saying that it's ok that I didn't stay on task! But this revelation, to a new height, is helping me to see where I should spend some time working on.

Blogging has helped me live in the day a little more. I can't highlight the best parts and have you only see those. I can't show you the whole picture of who I am, nor can I show you the end result. Is my time spent on here worth it in the big picture?
I avoid writing when I don't feel I can inspire - you or me! But maybe living is learning to savor those bad times too. Without them we wouldn't appreciate the good times.
Growing up we use to gather around the piano and sing a lot. One song in particular became our family theme song, the course goes:

"We have this moment
to hold in our hands and to touch,
as it slips through our fingers like sand.
Yesterday's gone
and tomorrow may never come,
but we have this moment today."
(We Have This Moment - by the Gaithers)

My dad and I were in tears the last time we tried singing it. How my hearts yearns for those days again, and how it aches that my own children don't know "family" like I do. But I am digressing!

So taking one day at a time, and seeing the value in the little pieces of my life, these are things blogging has amplified for me.

"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven..." (Ecc.3:1)

"He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end." (Ecc.3:11)

"When times are good, be happy; but when times are bad, consider: God has made the one as well as the other. Therefore, a man cannot discover anything about his future." (Ecc.7:14)

"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has trouble of its own."(Matt.6:34)

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