Thursday, November 26, 2009

note on Wednesday...

Not a good day.
Can't remember for sure what all I ate...
I think I only had coffee in the morning
I had an orange at school
came home and had some of my turkey soup
- but then I had a piece of toast!!
While fixing supper I nibbled on everything
I had salt and pepper BBQ chicken and salad
I had a chocolate bar when up town
I had 1/2 a pomegranite near bed time

I just had another piece of toast this morning!
What am I thinking!!????
I feel anxiety attacks - or what I assume is - over the most minor stuff and then I feel even more stupid for letting stuff get to me.

So I am starting Thursday ready to quit the blog, and with a lot of emotional baggage...
I think my cycle is done, I hope I find some balance today...

Off I go ....

Today was a failure. Reset? I wish!

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