Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Went to the city for an orthodontic appointment and once again throughly enjoyed the sunset and sunrise - as I hit both on what has become my favorite hill and dream of building a home there...

Met with my mom and cousin for lunch - LOVE them! -
bought some Usana products and was given some reading.

-Got home later then I wanted to and felt bad that my other two kids had to walk home.
-Walked Tucker
-Made homemade pizza with lots of peppers and broccoli hidden under the cheese - I will be swelled from the wheat and dairy - but I am focusing on relaxing right now and taking a deep breath.

-Plan to reorder progesterone tomorrow - and hope it comes VERY soon :)
-Will start watching the dvd and listening to cd cousin gave me,
-Will write out menu plans for a couple weeks,
-Will once again try dragging my butt out of bed early enough for the treadmill!

My reading of choice this morning was the book we are to read for our staff meetings "Teaching to Change Lives", here is one short sample:

"Your task as a communicator is not to impress people, but to impact them."

"If teaching were only telling, my children would be incredibly brilliant..." ;D

The book takes
"Practice makes Perfect" to
"Well-guided practice makes permanent"

"Experience is the best teacher" to
"Properly evaluated experience is the best teacher" and

"We learn by doing" to
"We learn by doing the right things"

I was reminded of:
The importance of practicing the right thing,
properly evaluating my experiences,
and to continue to work on actually DOING the knowledge I have in my head.

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