Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Friends, Prayer and Diseases

I stepped forward and asked a friend to help me. She graciously accepted and we will talk daily and pray together. We started this morning and I am ever grateful.
Today was a decent day.

Treadmill - only 10 minutes, but it was something
my usual oatmeal breakfast
banana, two mini oranges, oatmeal bar and walnuts
Some apple crisp the girls made for me in their class
carrots, ribs and rice for supper
1 mini chocolate bar and 1 mini pack of gum
walked Tucker VERY quickly :)
Oh! Only 1 coffee and have drank much more water the last couple days - still not as much as I should - but a start.

Not perfect ... but decent.

I found it interesting that a girlfriend commented on the H1N1 on her blog. I happen to agree wholeheartedly with her concerning health, vaccinations, etc. Majority of disease can be avoided or survived by simple hygiene and good health of the body. The difference between us is that her family eats very well and mine does not.

Perhaps that is why my man has asked me to consider the vaccination. Totally threw me for a loop! I vaccinated my first daughter. I seriously questioned it during my second and only half vaccinated her. My son has had nothing. The only reason I would, would be from fear that IF my child were to die from one of those diseases I would be judged as a terrible parent... not a good enough reason considering the risks.

Again - professing themselves wise they became fools.

However, I believe that my man is the head of the house, and God is doing some pretty amazing things in him, and he's not saying we will get the vaccination - but that he wants to discuss these things more and soon. (as he was stepping out the door till tomorrow evening)
So I will consider and pray and discuss.

When my kids were little and I heard of someone with the chicken pox I would ask for a play date with them. By 'protecting' ourselves and making our world so sterile we have actually hurt ourselves. We have bred stronger bugs, we have not excercised our immune systems and we have exposed ourselves to chemicals. We get sick and we take stuff to resist our bodies natural healing tools and fill our bodies with more processed, man-made stuff, that our already taxed bodies need to figure out how to handle.

I know I don't feed my kids well enough - and when I do they don't necessarily follow through - its amazing how they always 'forget' to eat the fruit and veggies in their lunches but remarkably always remember the treats! Treats were at birthdays and Christmas when I grew up - not weekly and even daily! I have tried to simply not buy junk - it seems to always be sabatoged one way or another. I think, especially with all this H1N1 talk, that I will take this on as a new step in my challenges and see what happens.

So this challenge is not only about me and how I look - it is for health and well being for myself and my family. I need to keep this in mind.

"... If thou wilt
diligently hearken to the voice of the LORD thy God,
and wilt do that which is right in his sight,
and wilt give ear to his commandments,
and keep all his statutes,
I will put none of these diseases upon thee,
which I have brought upon the Egyptians:
for I am the LORD that healeth thee. "
Exodus 15:26

Moses was brought up and trained in the Egyptian palace. Yet the commandments given were not with 'Egyptian wisdom'. For example:
-when someone was sick in the tent they were to cover all open vessels - they didn't know about bacteria till 1683 and germs about 1880.
-when someone/thing died, or to use the toilet, they were to be 'outside the camp', to be down stream, and to be 'unclean' for certain amount of days; which involved seperation and a cleansing ritual. Thousands die every day, even today, from dirty water...

So this 'diligently hearkening' wasn't from a power hungry God - but simply from a loving God who knew what was best for them ...
and still for us today.

"Bless the LORD, O my soul,
and forget not all his benefits:
Who forgiveth all thine iniquities;
who healeth all thy diseases;
Who redeemeth thy life from destruction;
who crowneth thee with lovingkindness
and tender mercies..." Psalm 103:2-4

"Now when the sun was setting, all they that had any sick with divers diseases brought them unto him; and he laid his hands on every one of them, and healed them." Luke 4:40

If you have peace and believe God would have you vaccinate your loved ones - then please go ahead and do so - with blessings!
I still do not have peace and look forward to more discussion with my husband.

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