Wednesday, November 25, 2009

"Foreword" into Wednesday

A phrase still lingering from Sunday is "misdirected hunger".
Rodney spoke of it concerning our spiritual state. If our soul is hungry and we do not feed it, it will seek out a 'filling' with whatever presents itself, or by turning back to what we use to have.
It is very easy to apply to an emotional eater, rather then exploring healthy expressions and solutions we turn back to what we know
- coming back to habits. As I spoke of in earlier blogs, all our life is made of habits - we get to choose whether they are helpful or harmful ones.

I am beginning to read Dr. Ray Stand's book "Healthy for Life". In the Foreword Myron Wentz makes a great point about our perspectives on things. He comments that his perspective on the word 'cell' is much different then prison inmates would have. They would think of incarceration, and he would think of creation.
"Our cells are undergoing debilitating damage as a result of foods which continually spike our blood sugar at every meal."

I am inspired to succeed - for my children. "We need to be mentors and role models teaching our children the importance of good nutrition which support optimal cell growth, promotes proper cell functioning, and minimizes cellular damage from free radicals and othe stressors."

Years ago I desired to become a R.N.P. (Registered Nutrional Practitioner) ... I can see opening a family center. It would be a place for mom's could come and know their kids are welcome while they get much needed encouragement around a cup of tea. There would be a healthy food bar and a community board for information on local consultants in such businesses as Nutrilite, Usana, Norwex, etc. In the back people could come see a masseuse, chiropractor, a doctor that supports natural health and a counsellor (maybe one that is a RNP?! :) ) I would encourage locals to come and have open mike nights for music, poetry, and helpful health tips that don't cost a thing! I would want to keep the business running with high integrity, family centered morals, and love for our fellow man. I had even drawn floor plans! lol
Yikes! That was a speel!

I really like the last paragraph, I will close with the last half.
"Good health habits are choices that we make,
and should not be chances we take.
Scientists cannot invent new minutes
and the rich cannot buy more hours.
Guard your health with utmost security
and attention,
every day of your life.
Learn to love, share and enjoy a life free from pain and suffering."

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