Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Tuesday's journal - date day with husband

Today was the first day I booked off to go hunting with my husband. I got the kids off to school, dropped the rentals off at the college and once we got our stuff together we set off.

It was wonderful. We took a drive and then walked about 2 miles in the bush - 1 mile in down hill and 1 mile out up hill :) . Sadly due to the heat and the wind we didn't see any big game. But we did see a lot of 'sign'. I enjoyed watching two chickadees not three feet from me, saw a raven soaring, and heard three squirrels chattering at us. I know they are pesty if they are near your home, but I love squirrels - their chatter always makes me laugh, they are such funny little critters.
It was nice to just walk in the quiet of the woods.
We then went for drive, saw nothing, but talked.
Our day continued with lunch, some window shopping, and picking up the kids from school.

I had had a coffee, then an orange and some walnuts in the truck after our walk.
I had oatmeal and an apple and some brown sugar for lunch.
For supper I had a porkchop and salad.

I did have a little taste of Dylan's popcorn and some peanut butter.

After we picked up the kids, Roger and I looked at vehicles, we drove home and I went to pick up my eldest from the school (she stayed for the 'running club'). Then I walked Tucker, fixed supper ...

But in the afternoon tensions started to build. I have some issues and don't know how to deal with them. At dinner, seeing one of my daughters obviously upset (and maybe due to my own hormones) I went and opened my mouth and hurt/offended my husband.

So as enjoyable as it was to get lost in the beat and quiet of playing bells this evening - I was there with a heavy heart. Not the ending of a date day with my husband that I envisioned.

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