Monday, November 23, 2009

Monday's journal

banana, small palm of walnuts, 2 coffee

a.m. school:
waited till tummy grumbled again and had
mandarin orange and another coffee
forgot to give Christine her needle

lunch time - my week to let dogs out:
a small container of left over taco veggies and meat, let dogs out, switched laundry, got meat out for supper, gave Christine her needle late and dealt with her feeling sick, and was 5 minutes late for work.

p.m. school:
(felt that some coworkers were displeased with me)
I had to finish school fundraiser stuff, was feeling peeked(sp?) so I did have about 10 jellybeans at the school.

after school:
got home about 4pm - put roast in oven, switched laundry and took Tucker for his walk, went further today
I had the same experience on my walk today as I did in Canadian Tire, without the stilt walking - dizzy, light headed, and feeling very disorientated - I was glad Tucker was in a hurry to get home because his tugging helped me walk home.
I thought I would lie down when I got home but had to run up town for a few things, took Dylan with me. FOUGHT buying chocolate, and then argued with son regarding buying chocolate because he wanted it as bad as I - I bought gum instead.

Supper time:
I had some walnuts while fixing dinner - feeling quite flustered as it was already 6pm and feeling the need for a break.
Fixed roast, potatoes, tomatoes and cucumbers for family, fixed a chicken stirfry with curry for myself - which I also shared with family.

After supper:
While cleaning up supper I did have a bit of the roast
While fixing lunches I did have a maple cookie
I then helped with homework till 9ish - during which time I did cave and have a bowl of Quesidilla chips with the kids at the table.
Then I switched laundry again, vacuumed, swept floor,
Tucked in 3 kids, gave Christine her needle;
emptied and reloaded dishwasher again,
sat down in the living room just after 10pm.
Roger said I could go to bed, that he'd be there soon.
I quickly jotted down what I had eaten and went to bed.
Dylan was up 3 times ... it is now 7:10am, and I am again running behind and have felt rushed to just log in - never mind spend time with my Creator!

But today - Tuesday - is my day for hunting with Roger :)
I have to get the kids up and gone, take the food trays back to the college, and get back home so we can start our date... I hope he's in the mood for some satellite worship - cause I could really use some!

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