Monday, November 9, 2009

Can you follow my thoughts??!

I do not believe that denominations and all the doctrines are God made. The bride and body of Christ is not a bunch of disjointed, arguing people! My questioning from yesterday's blog came from a clip of an angry Jew I saw regarding the 'ignorant evangelical Christian' and attacked the trinity. I agree with him, majority of Christian's tend to be and behave ignorantly. It's a harsh truth that religion has killed a lot of faith! It was the attack on the trinity that I struggled with. That is a harsh confession.

I believe there is only one God. My analogy to help my intellect out is water. Water is water - but made of 3 elements - H2O. Water also comes in 3 forms - liquid, vapor and ice. So God is One, with 3 'elements'.

Regardless, ... Jesus is my sacrificial Lamb that redeems me and purchases my life, so whether certain scriptures make me scratch my head I continue to stand hid in Him.

Now this all leads to what is really on my mind today.
Walking the talk.
The term "Christian" is suppose to mean a disciple of Christ. We are to be Christ like. And I don't see Jesus caring about career, prestige or wealth. I can hear a couple people I dearly love, looking up and rolling their eyes, say 'here comes the poverty mentality'. I know that God blesses people. And I know that without something to give we can't bless others. I know He is a God of multiplication and I truly believe He has led people into wealth. The tricky part comes to when we ask why He's blessed you and is it really yours.

I believe everything we have, even our breath, is simply a gift that we are to be good stewards of. Yes, God said in Genesis to rule over the earth - but He didn't say to rape and pillage it.

Where am I going with this?
The kids and I caught a documentary on TV entitled
"Flow: For Love of Water ... with Irena Salina".
I know shows like this and ones like
"The Inconvenient Truth"
are ridiculously common knowledge to some of my friends
- but they still put a fire in my belly.
And if you haven't seen them I would strongly encourage you to.

We just don't get it. We live in our little sheltered world. Completely ignorant of the fact that by simply being able to read, having a roof over our head, clothes on our back and clean water to drink, puts us in the top 8% of the world's population! That doesn't include TV's, cars, fancy homes or education, etc. by the way!

Today the slave trade, sex trade, genocides, murders(of even the unborn) and rapes(of even babies) ... never mind the destruction of nature and animals ... all run rampid.
Evil happens when good people do nothing.
And sadly, we don't seem to until its on our own front door.

It's Remembrance Day this week.
What are we doing with the freedom we have?

I know I have started to make changes, but not nearly enough, nor nearly fast enough! Part of it is that I am ignorant. We are coming to, what I believe is the end of, the information age - yet we are the most ignorant of generations who don't know how to think, and think that by reading or hearing clips we now know it all.

The love of money is the root of all evil, so a major way of making a change as a Canadian is to boycott the corporations that hurt others. I am told that I should boycott Shell, bottled water, things made in China, Coca-Cola and Pepsi, etc.

Well, first of all, its like vaccinations, there are many side to the stories and can I believe anything I read or hear any more!?
And second, my son pointed out last night that the apple juice I bought is a product fo Coca-Cola!

It all becomes confusing and we give up and go about living our sheltered lives.

But people are dying.
Our earth and amazing creatures are in pain...

... makes me think of this passage:

"The creation waits in eager expectation ... we know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time. Not only it, but we ourselves, .... groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for... redemption."

I think it is time to ' lay every hindrance aside that so easily entangles us, and run the race marked out for us.'

Abba Father, lead us in a plain path and speak clearly to us, guiding us in the purpose and destiny You have for us. May I be a good steward with all You have blessed me with, and may I invest and spend it all wisely. I want to help make changes, yet am feeling disillusioned as to how to do so. Yet You know all, and I look to You for guidance. May I hear You and have courage to follow You. In the authority You've blessed me with, the name of Jesus the Christ, I pray, Amen.


  1. Quick note about the documentaries you suggested, there are equally opposing viewpoints and some documentaries to back up the claims... "The Great Global Warming Swindle" is one... that being said, there is something like 1 available hectare per person to live off (how and where our food is grown and our clothing made and our "stuff" manufactured) and North Americans average about 8 hectares of consumption... that means that for every North American there are 7 other people around the world missing out because of our consumer driven culture.

    I don't agree with the rolling of the eyes on the "poverty mentality" because making a few changes in our own lives and "sacrificing" from our abundance will still leave us in the top 5% (correct my stats if they are wrong) of the world's wealthiest. Kinda sad when a child dies every 6 seconds from hunger. Think about it, how many children have died since you started reading this comment?

    There is a balance to be had and I am the first to admit that I've made huge mistakes and wish I could change things. I have a spouse who tends to pull me in the opposite direction of my heart and where I believe that God's heart breaks. I have failed, it's all or nothing at all in my world and I am guilty.

    Love you,

  2. Thanks for your input beautiful! I had heard about the land per person / 'footprint' - but had forgotten stats. I believe we each must follow our heart and, most importantly, the Holy Spirit's leading, and I completely understand how the circumstances we've placed ourselves in can be very frustrating.
