Monday, November 23, 2009

NEW START Mon.Nov.23

Yesterday my pastor spoke about trusting God daily, using Exodus 16 he demonstrated the truth's that we can

-trust God for our daily needs

-that we can't spiritually live on old manna

-that morning by morning we should be looking to Jesus

He also threw in an illustration that my sister would like, as one of her "Adventure" writings is based on this illustration. He commented on his little dog Joey and how he will gulp down ridiculous sized pieces of meat without even chewing or tasting it. Of course, I can't tell it like he did, but he also shared how disappointed HE is when Joey does that. Yet we do the same with God. He gives us something to chew on, to taste and enjoy, that should last the day - but we just take it like a big pill and go about our business.

In my sister's writings she gives the illustration as though one has been invited to a banquet. Some feel they are unworthy and don't even show up. Some show up but just daintily play with the food, feeling guilty and maybe even a bit put out on the lavish display of plenty. Some quietly sit, thankful, enjoying others eat, but not believing it is meant for them to enjoy either. Some will bring a microscope and science pocket lab to disect the food and figure out just what it is so they can explain the very molecular make up of it - but never actually taste it. Some come and gorge themselves, not taking a moment to enjoy it, nor thank the King for it.

Jesus want us to come to Him 'morning by morning', to sit in His presence with a thankful heart, know we are loved. To taste and see that He is good! To chew and meditate on what He has provided. To relax and allow it to digest, trusting it will meet our needs.

This is a song I grew up singing, adapted from the Psalms:

Give ear to my words, oh Lord,

Consider my meditations

Hearken unto the voice of my cry

My King and My God

Oh Lord in the morning

will I direct my prayer

unto thee and will look up.

PS. Yesterday I ate oatmeal with apple and cinnamon and a coffee for breakfast. I had a veggie stirfry with a bit of turkey for lunch. I made pork tortilla's for the family and I joined them - but used a plate of lettuce instead of a tortilla and made it into a salad. I had 1/2 a pomagrant for a snack - and I did eat one maple cookie while fixing lunches. For excercise I only walked Tucker - for about 30 minutes.

A decent start for a fresh start today...

I wish I had more time to now sit quietly and sits at my King's table, but my eldest is pointing out that I'm about 20 minutes late getting the younger ones up ... Thank you Jesus that You walk with me and I pray that throughout the day, moment by moment, I will turn to You for my needs... and desires. Amen!


  1. Good eating! and you exercised more than I did today! Enjoyed browsing and catching up on your blogsite today. Love you heaps! Love, Mom
