Friday, October 2, 2009

The Eve of Half Way :)

Final day of dedication to my man:
Sex. Yep, I said it right out there for everyone to see. I do believe that sex is almost sacred, a private and intimate demonstration between a husband and wife. I also like what I grew up hearing my dad say, "Ruth, if God made anything better then sex, He kept it for Himself!" Sex is thrilling, fun, exciting, sensual, pleasurable, relieving, intense, etc. etc. But being fat can be a great hinderance.

But not with my man! Inspite of my weight, he goes out of his way in private to demonstrate his love to me, in ways that aren't necessary, in ways that push my comfort zone, in ways that show me he loves ME.

That's all I'll say about that!
My man brings laughter into our home, brings high expectations and standards, brings the firm leadership; brings loyalty, faithfulness, love, patience, provision ... I am happy to be his 'help-mate', his other half, his 'old boot' :) ... I gladly submit to him as unto God, and have seen the power of God change him from the inside out, building my faith that I can submit in complete trust and confidence.
Goal with my man 4) To have him look at me with pleasure in his eyes, to reward him with a healthy, and little sexier, wife.

Well, tomorrow is weigh in day, a little anxious to see how I'm doing. I need to be at least 4 pounds lighter then when I started to be on target.My man is gone hunting and my sister's 5 children are about to show up. I have to do some banking and pick up some groceries. Will I have time to walk Tucker and go on the treadmill!??? Why am I here typing instead of running!!??

9pm - Alrighty then .... TODAY:
TREADMILL - 6am 20 minutes + 8pm 30 minutes
Biked with Tucker

a handful of walnuts
2 coffee

2 chicken drumsticks, apple

spanish rice, 4 pieces chicken split wing, half a plate of salad with French and ice tea

(Will have) Diet Dr.Pepper or Mugs rootbeer ... not sure yet :)

I am feeling pretty good about the food today ... ideally if would involve much more vegetable, which will be a focus this next week I think.

1 comment:

  1. OK, I am super frustrated with this blog! It seems no matter what I do, I can't get it to end up looking the way I want. ER!
