Friday, October 23, 2009

Seizing the moments - and a little truth at the end of the week

"I don't pretend to know what its like
walking in you shoes
but I know your path will be
the one you choose
so whatever has been keeping you
from walking through that door
This is the moment you've been waiting

Time won't stop for no one,
we both know that that's a fact
Once a day is done
it don't come back
so each and every second
is too precious to ignore
This is the moment you've been waiting

You don't have to wait for all the planets
to align,

No, heaven is already on your

and it'll give you what you need

nothing less, nothing more...

Take a deep breath, take the first

Take the bull by the horns
If you're still breathing then this moment
is yours..."

[This is the moment - by Carolyn Arends]

"If there is a cup of life
And we each get our quotas
may you drink your down, pass the rest

And not waste one iota

And if there is a winding road
and mountains meant for

may you be strong and brave, and constantly

by every new horizon...

And if our days make up a dance
Then have no hesitaion
Turn the music loud and send a crowd
Of friends your invitation

And if its true that love's a song
We sing in joy and sadness
Then may your song be sung
At the top of your lungs
And may it bring you gladness

And if there is another world
That waits beyond the curtain
then when your time has come
may you hear, "well done"
and may you know for certain
that you lived..."
[May You Live - by Carolyn Arends]

"...Seize the day
seize whatever you can
because life slips away
just like hour glass sand
Seize the day
pray for grace from God's hand
Then nothing will stand in your

seize the day..."
[Seize the day - by Carolyn Arends]

I wrote out these songs at the beginning of the week...

A dear friend of mine once pointed out that I am hid in God's Truth - quite literally - tRUTH ...

So the truth ...The first step in Celebrate Recovery, and I believe AA, is dealing with denial - denial there is a problem, denial that I can't do it in my own power. Well, this blog embarrassingly demonstrates that, now doesn't it!

I have started each day well... and ended in a giant fire ball. Last night being the worst.

My days this week? I will use one as an example - morning of dragging my son out of bed who hates school, a day at school, came home, dropped off kids, lunch bags emptied, etc.; ran back up town for groceries. Started supper, during which time I also dyed my daughter's hair for photo day and cut my husband's hair. Finished supper, ate supper (spaghetti and meatballs, I didn't have the wheat, but did the beef). Cleared table, ran out on a mess of a kitchen for a parent meeting - that was the highlight of the day - I love seeing people fired up for what God is doing! But, rushing my daughters hair resulted in my first mess of a job - BLOTCHY! AND, I left the meeting feeling like a babbling idiot. Got home later, fished out the dye from the garbage and tried to fix her hair. While waiting for that I helped to finish tidying up. Being photo day the next day I had two teenage girls wanting some special grooming from mom - although it was late - it is a first for my girls to be asking to help like this so I couldn't say no. By 10pm I looked tiredly into the mirror and pondered the streaking kit I had bought for my mousy blonde hair. I have tried to like my 'natural' look - but I'm getting older and the blonde is dull. I made another blunder. I have dyed my own hair successfully, I have dyed and streaked other's successfully - so I should have been able to succeed with this streaking kit by myself ... I too am blotchy. Then, my husband who has been away more then usual with hunting was wanting some time too.
I am not sure how to share other truths while respecting others. ...

...The end result is me seeing that I spend much of my time journalling about life, and very little living it. I am close to closing down my blog, facebook and email; maybe I am addicted ... maybe I just enjoy it ...

This week of songs originally was inspired from within ... but ended up being a time issue saver.

This coming week I so want to meditate, and remind my soul and mind of important truths ... but I warn you now - again, it's a rush job and may be blotchy. (So much for whatever my hand finds to do, doing it well!)

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