Monday, October 5, 2009

Delays and Interruptions...

Today I was in a negative daze. It took me a while to actually get home, I was about to take Tucker out when the phone rang, due to the nature of the call I stayed on, and by the time I got off it was time to make supper. I then washed Tucker and did some laundry, and then had to deal with a family 'emergency' issue. It is now 8:30pm, my daughter just asked for help with her homework, and I am no more energized by the junk I ate ...
no breakfast
2 coffee
left over rice, chicken and salad, plus a banana
chicken stir fry, plus a bunch of other stuff that I am not sure what all I ate...
No walking Tucker, and no Treadmill...
Today's goal - get through the day and hope for a better sleep tonight...

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