Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Looking to others for inspiration...

“I Don’t have the time! We don’t have the time! It’s not time. We don’t take the time. We let life gnaw away at our time, stealing it from us bit by bit. We’re slaves not masters. We must be masters of our time. I must control my life – and the obligations it imposes on me – not the other way around.”
Michael Quoist – With Open Heart (~Pastor Rod's Blog)

"Shall I not run faster now that the finish line is in site?"
(My man just called me and shared this with me - a pastor he listens to on the radio often hits a chord with him - this is what HE journalled today)

"The effective teacher always teaches from the overflow of a full life. ...
I, as a teacher, am primarily a learner, a student among students. ...
As long as you live, you learn, and as long as you learn, you live. ...
I would rather have my students drink from a running stream than a stagnant pool. ...
'Jesus grew,' we are told, in four areas:
He grew 'in wisdom' - intellectual development.
He grew 'in stature' - physical development.
He grew 'in favor with God' - spiritual development.
And he grew 'in favor with men' - social and emotional development. ...
You cannot neglect one of these areas without endangering your growth in all of them.
Likewise, you cannot grow in any oneof these areas without also having an effect on all the others. ... "
("Teaching to Change Lives" by Dr. Howard Hendricks - we will be discussing this first chapter on Friday during our staff meeting. He goes on to encourage you to examine your growth in ALL areas of your life, challenges you, and gives you tips on excelling further - this first chapter was a hard read)

"I will behave myself wisely and give heed to the blameless way - O when will You come to me? I will walk within my house in integrity and with a blameless heart. I will set no base or wicked thing before my eyes. ..." (Psalm 101:2,3a - read chapter yesterday morning and have been meditating on this ... more self examination!)

"Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me ..." (Phil. 3:13-14)

Huh. I see the 'word' for me today now ... endeavour to persevere :)

Today? - I think I will 'forget what is behind' - thanks anyway!

1 comment:

  1. Way to go! I am SO proud of you for doing this!

    Actually the quote by Dr. Hendricks mirrors one by my aunt! She used to say, "I live to learn. When I stop learning, I start dying and I am not ready to die just yet!" I changed that to: "I am a teacher who lives to learn as she learns to live a better life!" It is a focus on life, not death. And I sometimes need ALL the help I can get focussing on life.

    There is an analogy that refers to two areas right near where Jesus lived that gives a very real, visual graphic of the live to learn, learn to teach ideal. The Sea of Galilee and the Dead Sea are both fed by the River Jordan. The Sea of Galilee is fed and passes what it receives on. It is full of life and gives life to animals, humans, and plants who depend on it. The Dead Sea is fed by the River Jordan, but that is where it ends. It is a sea of death, not life, because it receives, but never gives in the natural way. (Yet its salts bring healing and health to many who enjoy using them.) :)

    The third part of what he said is echoed in the teachings of First Place 4 Health. It was because of that and my realization that my whole body will benefit when ALL four areas lose their extra baggage and can do as Philippians 3 says that I chose this program for this year for me. (It is kind of an 'Esther' thing. I may not come out of it beautiful enough to become the wife of a king, but I hope I will come out of it REALLY understanding that I am a daughter of THE King!)

    Keep on going! Take it one day at a time and you will do it because you have Him to help you! If I can do anything to help you, just let me know!
