Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Presumptions and Pondering

I don't want to be here typing right now, I am not in a happy place, and I only have presumptions why. I presume its because I'm not getting the sleep I need, I presume its because I am dehydrated from too much coffee and not enough water, I presume its because I am ashamed that I am over half way in this challenge and do not one day to say "well done!", I presume its because I feel uncomfortable in my own skin. I presume part of my glum and heaviness is spiritual stress - there seems to be a lot of turmoil going around.
If it wasn't 10:30pm already I would have gone on the the Treadmill - just so I could log it in here - but I am once again going to miss out on the exercise too.

So ... good things? A call from a friend re lit my fire to get on my knees. My nieces are amazing and I loved seeing them again. I enjoyed the sound of the rain on the kindergarten room when everyone was out (I probably shouldn't mention that I missed the sun...). I enjoyed saving some money at Sobey's 10% + 5% off Tuesday. I am thankful for Thanksgiving weekend. I am thankful that I will have some time Friday morning before the staff meeting to get a few of my ducks in a row. I am thankful for my friend who invited me to play bells this evening - I had fun, but I kind of wonder if a couple of the church ladies thought I was a little too boisterous. :) I am still working on my church unity paper - I think I have decided to call it the Messenger... what do you think? My one niece helped me out. I am thankful my loving husband and three great kids are here in our safe home, relatively healthy and happy. ...

I need to spend more time with my kids ... I'm around them all the time, but I mean WITH them. I am pondering dedicating some time to them, and perhaps over the Thanksgiving weekend it would be even better! ;D

So today?
.. I really have to think about it!
I had coffee, and no breakfast. I came home at lunch time and had left over chicken stir fry. At the school I began having a killer headache and tried to abate it with a couple chocolate balls (which were yucky). I got home and WALKED TUCKER in the rain. Then I went and got groceries and picked up KFC for supper - had 2 small breasts, about 20 fried with vinegar and salt and half a tomato. Then I went back to Sobey's for some stuff Roger wanted. Split up the meat and froze it. Went and played bells with Christine, came home and dealt with family 'emergency' again, showered up and, after some time with my man, came to the computer. OH! And I had a Pepsi throughout the day.

Doubt I'll meet my 2 pound goal THIS week!

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