Wednesday, October 14, 2009

A new day, A new hope

I let two days go by and didn't blog.
I blogged last night, but have chosen to delete it.
'Venting' solves nothing.
This is like a diary, but not my diary.
Today is a new day...

It's quiet and early, I am about to be exposed to another day .... a day that will never come again. So I will choose ... not just now, but every moment throughout the day ... I will choose "surrender".

"I choose gentleness ... If I raise my voice may it be only in praise. If I clench my fist, may it be only in prayer. If I make a demand, may it be only of myself. ... I choose self-control... I refuse to let what will rot, rule the eternal. ..." [Max Lucado - "When God Whispers Your Name"]

"What heights of love! ...
What depths of peace!...
When fears are stilled, When strivings cease! ...
In the love of Christ I'll stand...
In the death of Christ I live..."
[Adrienne Liesching - "In Christ Alone" -song]

"Without Your filling, I have nothing to give,
Without Your blessing, I have no way to live..."
[Rebecca Oehlerking - "You Are"- 2001 by my sister]

"It's not how many times we fall,
but how many times we get back up again"
[unknown ...]

1/2 cup oats, 1 apple, 2tsp sugar/cinnamon mix
3 coffees
1 pear
1 banana
1 granola bar
container of broccoli, celery and carrots
5 mini drumsticks
1/4 cup Spanish rice
2 small hand fulls of chocolate chips
1 handful of sesame seeds in their shells
1 jug water

Walked Tucker
shovelled snow

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