Saturday, May 1, 2010

Introduction Prov.31

"It is most unfortunate that this discription of God's ideal woman is usually confined in readers' minds merely to its literal sense - her ability as a homemaker ... but it is obvious that far more than that is meant..."
This is the start of the footnotes in my Amplified Bible.

Years ago, when my children were toddlers, Proverbs 31 was a discussion during a woman's prayer meeting. I had never taken note of this passage before, and my interest was sparked even more when a single lady shared how dear this was to her heart - in reading it with the perspective of Jesus as her husband. We also discussed the church being the bride and Jesus the Husband. Then I read the passage at my mom's in her Amplified Bible - of which I still have a copy of framed in my kitchen - 'a goal set before me'. Well, when something is up for awhile we tend to not take notice after awhile. I recently took the time to reread it while cooking supper and think it would be beneficial to me to spend this month meditating on the passage.

(Feel free to make comments too!)

PS - This is what Lemuel king of Massa's mother told him to look for in a wife.

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