Wednesday, May 5, 2010

31:13 -working for character

She seeks out the wool and flax (of which righteous character is made?) and works with willing hands to develop it.

-Seek, search, enquire for, strive after ... that which righteous character is made.
-Work to develop it ... even when someone is gifted in an area, to use it well takes work (practice) to develop it into a useful skill.
-Be willing ... and not work at it with a burdensome heaviness of a job, but with an eagerness to see the righteous character developed.

First in our own lives, then as the body of Christ, and of course with our children.

You will see many verses pull on my heart strings as a mom, and my love for home education.

The work involved here is very difficult.
When I was pregnant with my first child my sister told me the hardest part of raising kids was to be consistent - at the time I didn't understand why that would be so hard.

This entry seems very disjointed, but I feel I should share a personal conviction I have had in this area. It comes from 1 Samuel 2-3. Eli was a Priest ... "The sons of Eli were base and worthless; they did not know or regard the Lord ... So the sin of the two young men was very great before the Lord ... Now Eli was very old and he heard all that his sons did to all Israel and how they lay with the women who served at the door of the Tent of Meeting. And he said to them, 'Why do you do such thing? For I hear of your evil dealing from all the people. No, my sons; it is no good report which I hear the Lord's people spreading abroad. If one man wrongs another, God will mediate for him; but if a man wrongs the Lord, who shall intercede for him?' Yet they did not listen to their father. ... Why then do you kick My sacrifice and My offering which I commanded, and honor your sons above Me ... And I now announce to him that I will judge and punish his house forever for the iniquity of which he knew, for his sons were bringing a curse upon themselves, and he did not restrain them..."

Eli's speech sounds much too familiar to me.
Years ago I was convicted that I am a peace keeper rather then a peace maker - meaning I avoid conflict and prefer fake peace to fighting for true peace. Another on going work in me.
So I lecture my children, plead for their agreement, and then walk away ... not restraining them. A video I just watched with Roger with John Bevere touched on this very thing. Honoring our family above God has never ended well.

So I pray
Father God I thank You for Your mercy and that You are faithful to complete every good work You start. You hear my confessions and You hear me cry out that I do not wish for my heart to be this way. I invite the Holy Spirit to do a great convicting work in me as You transform me into Your image... May I love and honor You above all else, not just in my wishing mind, but in the life of my heart and soul. I pray that You reveal to me the wool and flax that I need to willingly work in my own life and that of my children to see Your righteous character shine through. In Your name Jesus, Amen.

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