Wednesday, May 19, 2010

31:27 - idleness

She looks well to how things go in her household, and the bread of idleness (gossip, discontent and self-pity) she will not eat.

Looking well into how things are going in one's household actually takes more energy then one may think, especially as the children get older and aren't 'under foot' any more. (at least when they are under foot you know what they are up to!) There is the cleaning (bathrooms, floors, laundry, ironing, mending, walls, windows, window coverings, light fixtures, furniture, cupboards, fridge, oven, storage areas ...). There is the teaching and training the kids in all the cleaning areas. There is the cooking ... the shopping ... the finances (more involved with a family business) ... keeping up on the medical welfare of everyone (more involved with special situations such as diabetes) ... Never mind the education, homework and friendships of each child ... and I haven't begun to list the training and teaching of the children's character - while dealing with personal issues! ... I often wish I could be a stay at home mom, and even not home school so that I can have all the 'background' work done when the kids get home and be ready to give them my undivided attention. OH! And we haven't even begun talking about being a wife.

Certainly, to run a household, maintain a healthy marriage and raise the next generation does NOT leave room for the 'bread of idleness'.

Yet I like it that the Amplified explains that bread a step further. "gossip, discontent and self-pity" - any of those three quickly hamper the atmosphere in a home. Sadly, all three are also all too common.

-If words are not to edify or build up (which can also be 'discipline' moms!), then it's best to leave it unsaid. Both my sister and I agree whole heartedly that much more is accomplished, and with much less stress when we take things directly to God, do our part as He directs and leave the rest to Him.

-Contentment has been in converstation's with my husband a lot lately. It should definitely be a sought after character trait! I believe that unless you are content with what you have, you will never find contentment with more. A lot of that can come from seeing the glass half full rather then half empty. Having a good sense of humor and ability to laugh at one self. To appreciate the roof over your head and the quick transportation - even if its rusted, falling apart and a tad too small for the people you transport... :)

-I believe that if you are guarding your words (preferrably starting with your heart and thoughts!), and you are practicing contentment, then the last - self-pity - is hard to experience. I have fallen into that pit on occasion and its not a place you want to be. Its that old attige(?!) - I complained I had no shoes till I met a man with no feet. Discontent and self-pity are closely linked.

One last thought regarding idleness ...
A body in motion stays in motion (excercise brings fitness and energy creating desire for more excercise....)
A body in rest stays in rest ( lazing around can lead to death!)

I just know these are terribly written - I haven't had a lot of time - but whatever - I wanted to go through it one verse a day and I will hopefully find some brilliant articulation to sum it up at the end ... or not!

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