Monday, May 3, 2010

31:11 - confidently trust worthy

The heart of her husband trusts in her confidently and relies on and believes in her securely, so that he has no lack of honest gain or need of dishonest spoil.

Does my husband trust me confidently in all areas of our relationship? Does he believe that I am faithful to him sexually - not just physically, but within my thoughts and heart too? Does he know I have his back; that regardless of the internal issues, that a negative word would not come out of my mouth about him, nor would I allow others to speak against him? Does he trust me not to waste our family's hard earned money on selfish and vain pursuits? Does he trust me to love him through hard times, to in fact prefer hard times with his honesty and integrity intact over having more from questionable practices?

And what about the church as a bride? Can God trust me as His ambassador to walk with integrity and truth? Can He trust me to listen and obey His voice? Do I have questionable motives in what I do? Do I compromise His will in order to try to gain Him 'dishonest' spoil?

These questions are hard.
I HAVE bad mouthed/gossiped/vented regarding my husband - do you know that he never has about me! He protected me to the point that the other men at the mill were referring to me as "Saint Ruth"! I recall when I learned that, the conviction I felt. The world is hard enough without tearing one another down in our own homes, and I have learned that it is MUCH more beneficial to take my concerns and gripes to Jesus quietly!

And I know that I have often honored people more then God, being more concerned of their feelings and mental understanding then God's truth.
I think of the people that have come to believe in Jesus under the false pretense that it is all about love and grace and mercy; and know nothing of obedience, sacrifice, humility, or the fear of God - would they not be 'dishonest gain'?

Lord Jesus, I want to be trusted confidently. Please convict me daily of actions that break that trust. I pray that You'd open my eyes to an opportunity today to build that trust - with You and my husband. Amen.

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