Thursday, May 20, 2010

31:28-29 - 'Blessed and Bless'ed

Her children rise up and call her blessed - happy, fortunate and to be envied; and her husband boasts of and praises her, saying, 'Many daughters have done virtuously, nobly and well (with the strength of character that is steadfast in goodness) but you excel them all.

OK, so I'm cheating and combining these.(I am also going to quote the footnotes in the Amplified Bible!)

'Many daughters have done ... nobly and well ... but you excel them all.' What a glowing description here recorded of this woman in private life, this 'capable, intelligent, and virtuous woman' of Proverbs 31! It means she had done more than:
Miriam - the one who led a nation's women in praise to God;
Deborah, the patiotic military advisor;
Ruth, the woman of constancy;
Hannah, the ideal mother;
the Shunammite, the hospitable woman;
Huldah, the woman who revealed God's secret message to national leaders; and even
Queen Esther, the woman who risked sacrificing her life for her people.
In what way did she 'excel them all'?
In her spiritual and practical devotion to God, which permeated every area and relationship of her life. (SO describes my sister! :) )
All seven of the Christian virtues of 2Peter 1:5-8 are there, like colored threads in a tapestry (faith, goodness, knowledge, self-control, perseverance, godliness, brotherly kindness and love). ...

In growing up I have come to the realization that my family isn't perfect; and that my children growing up loving, adoring and being grateful for me as their mom is not something I can assume will happen. I want to have the `blessing of my children thinking of me as a bless`ed woman.

So at this point I can't help but think of my mom with an ever increasing level of respect and admiration ... and must 'rise up' myself and say,
"Mom, you are a blessed woman who has always loved me unconditionally, shown undying patience, worked so very hard and diligently for, not only our family's benefit, but for others as well, teaching me compassion and love for my fellow man. Your integrity and honor have never waivered. You taught me God's love from His Word, and to love God's Word. God has been very gracious to me by giving YOU to me for a mom! I love you very much!"

Of course my husband also comes to mind. I have shared a lot about him throughout my blogging. God has used Roger's love for me to teach about His love. How it is always there unconditionally and shown in so many 'little daily things'. The praise Roger gives me comes from this unconditional love. I have come to believe that a man's faithfulness comes from within his own integrity and has very little to do with his wife. Unconditional love can be very comforting and is a blessing. Yet I confess that I also long to see the sincere pride in his eye when he looks at me, to be praised because he truly thinks I'm fabulous, and not because I'm his wife.

I don't wish to 'excel' all others, its not a competition, but I would love to hear these things said about me at the end of my days! What is said in the video 'Invisible Woman' (posted Feb.4) is so true - so much of what makes a great woman are things that are hidden and unseen to others - except by God.

Now, what can the 'church' of today take from this as the bride of Christ!?

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