Thursday, May 13, 2010

31:23 - husbands...

Her husband is known in the city's gates, when he sits among the elders of the land.

Roger's name means "Mighty Warrior"; and his middle name means "Head Leader/Presiding Official". February 3rd's blog had me pondering names and the meanings of them and I shared my prayer for him.

A good man can do great things in his spheres of influence. Where does a wife fit in? The only verse linked to this one is Proverbs 12:4 "A good wife is her husband's pride and joy; but a wife who brings shame on her husband is like a cancer in his bones." Take a good man, wise, hardworking, a man of integrity and worth. But his wife is known to gossip, cause division, or is a lush or slut. What is that man now known for? Who wants to invite his family over for dinner or to an important meeting?

I want to be the wind beneath my husband's wings - as it were - to sit back with pride and dignity when my husband's name comes up, knowing God has His hand of blessing on him.

May my husband be known in all the area's of his influence, and find favor in all who know him.

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