Sunday, May 23, 2010

My Paraphrase of Proverbs 31:10-31

The heart of my husband trusts me confidently,
relies on and believes in me safely,
so he has no lack of honest gain
or need of dishonest spoil.
I will comfort, encourage and do him
only good as long as there is life in me.

I seek out the wool/flax of which righteous character is made
and I work with willing hands to develop it.

I rise early and get, through communion with Abba,
the spiritual food - loaded like a ship,
I set out the day's plans.

I consider new fields of interest and activities
and expand prudently
not courting neglect on my present duties.
With the blessings from above I am able to invest into the future.

I gird myself, not only spiritually,
but mentally and physically,
to ensure I am ready for every God-given task.

I can see with eyes of faith that my work with and for God is good.
My faith and complete dependence on God is ever burning,
The Holy Spirit helping me ward away fear, doubt and distrust.

I spin threads of which character is made and
weave in into lives - pleasing to God.

I have compassion for the poor and needy -
whether in body, mind or spirit.

I will not fear temptation or false teachings,
for my family is in God's hands.

I study and seek God out, that He may clothe me.

My husband is respected and finds favor in
all his arenas of influence.

I look for the needs of others and try to
provide for the need.

I keep my eyes fixed on Jesus -
which keeps me strong, dignified and secure,
and hopeful for the future of my family.

When I speak I trust God to give me the words I need,
I guard my tongue and pray the words I speak
be kind and wise.

I look well to how things go in my household
and I will NOT eat the bread of idleness.
I will not gossip or allow self- pity,
I will be content.

I pray that God meet my children's and husband's needs
and desires
through me.

May I be known as a woman who fears God,
a woman after God's own heart.

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