Monday, May 10, 2010

31:18 - Reliance on God (*You Are)

She tastes and sees that her gain from work (with and for God) is good; her lamp (of faith and dependence upon God) goes not out; but (full of the oil of His Spirit) it burns on continually through the night (of trouble, privation or sorrow, warning away such robbers as fear, doubt and distrust).

Without the Amplified version one may wonder how one should 'rise while it is yet night' AND stay up all night ... thankfully we aren't expected to do so - as I am terrible with no sleep!

My husband has said a lot over the last year that he has never regretted anything when it has involved God. When we are walking in communion and cooperation with Him we can truly trust that we will see the fruit of our labor one day and that it will taste good!

Trouble, privation (to be deprived of something, esp. that which is required; to be in want), and sorrow are definitely dark times in one's life. The verse gives no inference that the night won't come, but that we have a lamp that will give us light through it. During this dark night it is especially important to have a light because the robbers fear, distrust and doubt can completely cripple a person's life. And what is this lamp that can help us through? Faith and dependence on God.

My sister walks this talk. I confess I have struggled with all three robbers, and trying to 'man-handle' them has never been successful for me. I have distrusted my husband's love, I have doubted God and His Word, and I have lived in fear - as God has been showing me practically every day the number of responses I give out of fear. I have three children in this home where I have been allowing such darkness and invasion to occur ... yet God in His great grace continues to pull me back into His arms of grace (not without natural consequences).

My prayers are said, so rather, I share my sister's poem (and now song) that she wrote in December of 2001 and I still have posted on my fridge:


Without Your filling I have nothing to give,
Without Your blessing, I have no way to live.
I need Your hand on my life every day
Teaching me Lord what to do, what to say.

You are my Strength for the pressures of life.
You are my Peace in the midst of my strife.
You are my Power enabling me to stand.
Your words, my assurance, You're holding my hand.

You are my Hope, that there's more than I can see.
You are my Helper, to get down on my knees.
Though life is so dark - You are my light.
When choices are hard - You're always right.

You are my Father, my Friend and my Fire.
You are my Strong Arm and burning desire;
My Foundation, my Fortress, in You I'm secure.
For everything that ails me - You are my Cure.

You are my Anchor in life's stormy sea.
For all that I need, Lord, You are the key.
The Lover of my soul, Precious and True,
Of all the world offers, none can compare to You.

By Rebecca Oehlerking

1 comment:

  1. Since the fall of 2007 my sister has been battling stage 3 ovarian cancer, trusting God through it all. She prayerfully chose to go the health route and still runs her farm and homeschools her 5 children while doing so. Her testimony of faith in the midst of her dark night is evident to all that know her. I love my sister VERY much and she is the role model and example in my life of the Proverbs 31 woman.
