Thursday, February 25, 2010


Well, I haven't laughed nearly as often as I had hoped to with (or without) my children. This weekend is VERY busy and I will probably hardly see my kids ... so I have been looking ahead, and behind.

Another month draws to an end with a moon waxing full. I love looking at the moon, there is something magical about it - and yet its just a big rock. It has no light of its own, just the reflection of the sun, yet it has captivated us for centuries.

(taken out my back door this evening - need a better camera I guess, to really capture its beauty)

I am also ending the month full of hormones. Lovely things! And yes, there is sarcasm in my voice.

This weekend - Friday and Saturday full evening and day with fundraiser. Saturday evening is coffee house. Sunday is teaching Sunday School followed by potluck. And walah! It is March 1st!

This weekend I will laugh as often as I can, live a life of love, and try to make each moment count ... and ponder this coming month.

Ideas - order hormone cream!
-get thyroid rechecked and actually get my thryroid meds filled!
-start lazor treatment on my hormonally induced beard!
-subtract coffee and add water
-write a two week menu and do my best to stick to it (may as well utilize mom's personal blender that she left me, and the great acai powder!)
-get outside or on the treadmill for some decent blood pumping walks.

Looking ahead - March brings my girls turn at the symphony, three fundraisers, I imagine tons of work on our new school building needs to be getting started! Time change of course. And a celebration that I hold dearest in my heart - Passover, or 'Resurrection Celebration'.

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