Thursday, February 18, 2010

Harmony pt.3

(My sister and I are swans - and Becca has always dreamed of having a harp - so I had to include this photo I found in a search of harmony pictures ;D)
My sister and I got excited about the amount of ways this analogy can be applied to our lives. Here's the last couple thoughts I leave with you to ponder on...

When I hear myself respond in a tone and manner that is not right I can now think to myself 'Hmm, that was a sour note', and ask my Tuner to work in that area.

When I find myself the recipient of 'sour notes' I can realize that I, or the situation, has hit a key that is not quite in tune yet. I don't judge, for I too have many keys to tune yet! I simply accept that we are all integral parts of God's great orchestra, and we are still in practice, getting perfected for the great performance before our Beloved.

"So we, numerous as we are, are one body in Christ and individually we are parts one of another ... having gifts that differ according to the grace given us, let us use them ..."

(ok, theologically, that should be Jesus lifted up, but its the idea of the beauty of diversity, cooperation, and thus HARMONY!)

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