Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The people we love

While I spoke on the phone to my mom this evening my son found three candles, set them up on the table, lit them, turned out the light, and gave me a massage.

It reminded me of 2008, when he came running in to grab a toy to take to the park and he saw me getting out the table cloth. He asked what I was doing, I told him I was preparing a nice going-away dinner for a friend of ours. He disappeared to his room, and I assumed he would be returning outside to play. He came out dress like this (I had to take a photo!) and was excited to help. He is the one that set the rest of the table, flowers and candles included. :)

I think of what I wrote late into the night last night and I feel it only right that I now highlight the four amazing people I live with.
(Husband and three children :) )
It is late now, and I should be upstairs getting some 'pillow talk' in, and actually get some sleep tonight, but I hope to start this challenge to "love and laugh with my family" by bringing to you a 'portrait', of sorts, of my four marvelous blessings -
and I can only hope I will be endowed with some divine articulation so I can do them some justice :)
'Stay tuned' ;D

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