Wednesday, February 3, 2010


I wasn't sure where to start - really how do you explain who a person is adequately. But today on Facebook I saw links to the "urban dictionary" for meanings of names - and it got me thinking of our names.

In Scripture names were very important, as in Native cultures, the name was to reflect who the person was.
I recall when I was about 14, my dad took the opportunity during a family holiday to get up after supper and pray over each of us kids. In his prayers he utilized our name's meanings. It stands out vividly to me because I was taken back by how close our names matched who we had become. In turn, I too have written out prayers for each of my children, utilizing their names.

Seeing the meanings on Urban Dictionary gave us a bit of a laugh - I will choose the more appropriate ones for each of us - and then share with you my prayers for each.

Roger - Mostly sexual conitations - which I won't comment on ;)
- Understanding "Roger that"
- A Roger is loyal and loving. A Roger is kind, warm-hearted and supportive. A Roger is a gentleman. A Roger will never cheat on you. A Roger is slightly old-school. A Roger loves cuddling and sweet, tender kisses! A Roger is the best person you could meet. Usually Rogers are Europeans. A Roger is generally quirky, cool, eccentric, quiet and introspective. Rogers have beautiful and calm souls.

Ruth - Different things like compassionate, bad for returning phone calls, a Grandma, trustworthy, low self image, sort of pretty...
-(this one gives me a laugh though!)Ruth is the last name of a family of highly advanced intellectuals and talented sports figures (the most famous and well known of which, was Babe Ruth.) Their orgins date back to ancient Greece, 2900 B.C. It is rumored they were the first to discover fire and use the wheel. Generally, they are also incredibly cute. So cute, in fact, that for the first time in history, the first war broke out between nomads from the east and the Ruth's because the nomads kept invading their space to stare at them. The nomads had never seen anyone as cute. The Ruth's also are known for intense, out of this world, war strategy. Their cut throatedness is the fiercest out of any in the entire world.

Samantha - Usually a name for a person that is a walking Goddess. Gorgeous to the maximum, fun to talk to, easy to befriend with a sexy booty
-An feminate name created in the Antebellum South that was popular among African slaves. Samantha is a combination of the Arabic/African name Samad and the Greek suffix –antha which put together means Eternal Flower.

Christine - A deity; the best person to be in your corner; unlimited power and potential; a muse; someone that can change your life. Someone that takes your side even when you're wrong; soulmate; kismet; fortuitous; serendipity

Dylan - The most amazing person on earth who makes you feel great about yourself. Good listener and an amazing boy
-A person who can be childish at times, and is great at messing things up, but would never try to hurt or embarass the person he likes.

Alrighty then!
Roger - "Mighty Warrior" + Dean - "Head Leader/Presiding Official"
Father, I thank You for all You are doing in my husband. I pray that You continue to raise him up to be a mighty warrior for You - standing up for what is right with integrity and courage. I pray that You bless the work of his hands and place him humbly in a position of leadership in ALL his areas of influence.

Samantha - "listener" + Dawn - morning
Father, I lift Samantha to You and pray that You would still all the voices around her, cause her ears and heart to only listen Your Voice, and may she truly hear You. May she experience Your mercy new every morning and may Your love and blessings dawn upon her soul.

Christine - "Christian" + "Annointed"
Father, Thank You for drawing Christine's heart to Your's. May You completely fulfill the annointing that You placed on her since she was in my womb. May You truly be seen in her life and may she set the standard high for what a Christian's life should look like; may her life be as a full moon reflecting the Son.

Dylan - "of the sea" (really liked Dillon too - "faithful") + Robert "bright, famous"
Father, thank You for this amazing boy's heart. May You be his rudder on his ship in the sea of life. May he beable to withstand the stormy weather life throws, and may he quietly reflect on the vastness of Your love, grace and blessings in his sea of life. May he be faithful in all his relationships, and may he be famous for reflecting Your bright glory.

Ruth - "compassionate friend" + Hope - "trust, faith"
Abba Father, may all my hope, trust and faith be found only in You - my strong rock and fortress. May I love You as You have loved me, and in turn be a conduet for Your hope, love and compassion to flow through to others around me. Make me a friend to the friendless and lonely, and in the end may I hear You, indeed, call me YOUR friend. Renew Your compassion within my hurt and hardened heart, breaking my heart for what breaks Yours! May my life be completely surrendered to You, a poured out drink offering.

So there you go :) A glimpse into my family according to our given names. Perhaps this will spur you on to search out your names too, and may we consider the power of our words over our children!

In closing I'd like to share a verse regarding my Savior's name. My principal overheard a conversation I was having with a coworker, who happens to be a converted Muslim, regarding the trinity. She shared with me a verse that helped her - and it helped me also - and its one I hold close to my heart now ...

"For to us a child is born, to us a Son is given; and the government shall be upon His shoulder, and HIS NAME SHALL BE CALLED
Wonderful Counsellor (Holy Spirit),
Mighty God,
Everlasting Father,
Prince of Peace."
(Isaiah 9:6)

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