Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Tuesday Day9of31

This morning started with me reading the next chapter in the staff devotional "Teaching to Change Lives". I think a lot of my frustration at work is that I've spent so much time and energy planning, learning what is expected for me to teach, coming up with creative ideas, and then, literally, one sentence into the morning and the kids are flopping around asking when they can play. I sincerely believe TV is largely at fault and I see it very clearly in the K-3 room. But this chapter also dealt directly with how I am teaching. I am meditating on how to apply what I read as it was written for senior high and adult classes.

I had also written a blog entry on some stresses in my home currently, and what God was saying to me Sunday evening. I ended up printing it off and put it in my prayer journal instead. In essence, there is a lot of battles going on in our home and God clearly reminded me to not get lost in daily 'stuff', nor to allow myself to slumber, but rather to stay alert and 'on my knees'. I will confess, I haven't done that nearly adequately enough.

I share these personal things, because being an emotional eater, its important to stay alert to triggers, and to learn to deal with the actual root issues.

On one last side note - I went for lazer treatment on my face for the first time today - OUCH! and does it ever stink like burnt hair. I fought doing this for a long time because I truly hate spending money on things that are 'vain'. Yet when a woman needs to shave her face it is very difficult to feel pretty or even like a female. It does feel good to know I am taking steps to improve my self image.
I also have an appointment Thursday with the doc for my thyroid meds as well as hormone cream - I can't wait as I know the hormone cream definitely helped before, and I hope my constant struggle for energy will improve with the Thyroid meds.

Still 251-253
I made a smoothie with the acai powder, OJ, banana and frozen berries.

Coffee at work. 2 granola bars, an apple, and about 5 jelly beans

2 Ryvita crackers with EDSmith jam...
to be honest with you, I'm not entirely certain what all I ate...
I made the kids do their chores.
I excercised - 20 minutes, 3.8, threw in 2 incline 8's, floor excercises and stretches.
I wasn't prepped for supper - made hot dogs and macaroni for supper. I meant to make a chicken stir fry for myself - but ended up having hotdogs (which were beef - an allergy), 2 riceKrispie squares ... and I think I had something else but don't recall what.
I flopped in front of the TV for a bit - feeling defeated.
Then I got up, looked through the recipe binder my mom left me, made a grocery list and went up town to go shopping. (some things I bought 'new' were 'fresh' salmon, quinoa flour, and asparagus).
I cleaned out my freezer while listening to my son memorize scripture and study spelling words. Then I cut his hair. And had half a glass of Tropicana OJ.

Not a very successful day, but I will continue to persevere.
Plans to improve: I will snack on a veggie tray after school and I have the next three night's suppers planned - healthy, non allergy, low glycemic meals. And, at least I'm excercising more this week!

Quote from a book on detoxing I recently bought:
"Eating added sugar in various foods and drinks every day is a way fo perpetuating chronic over stimulation of the pituitary and pancreas glands. The thyroid and adrenals also feel the brunt of the affront. The false craving and feeling of well-being sugar induces is on a par with the ecstasy experienced when dope takes command in a victim's

-Dr. Edward Howell, Enzyme Nutrition

Those who have never struggled with addiction truly don't understand. There have been times that I have said its like putting an alcoholic in the bar 12-14 hours a day, telling him he has to have 3 drinks, but no more. No one would bet he'd do very well - yet that is what it is like for so many of us moms who are emotional eaters and are constantly having to deal with food for the family.

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