Monday, March 8, 2010

Monday Day8of31

251-253 surprisingly
Started the day dragging and continued to do so.

Had very little patience and today was a day I questioned my 'career' choice.
I had 1 coffee and my bowl of oatmeal
I had a salad, baggie of carrots and 2 mini oranges
Then I had about 5 jelly beans at the end of the day.
I was nervous about going home, and rightfully so.

I had two chocolate 'morsels', 3 Ryvita crackers with EdSmith jam and felt very irritated about all I had to do and too tired and unmotivated to do it.

I did call to make a doctor appointment about the thyroid and hormone cream, and I have my first appointment to deal with the hormonal beard I have - hopefully I don't come home badly burnt!

I went up town to deposit a cheque and pick up some groceries.
I bought a mini Mars bar and salt and vinegar chips while there.
I ate the bar on the way home and had a handful of chips.
I ate 1.5 porkchops BBQd and some broccoli.
I cleaned one bathroom, vacuumed and swept.
Treadmill - 20 minutes, program 1, threw in 2 incline 8's, Floor excercises and stretches.

Now I should go see about fundraising from a couple friends and its already after 8 and I still need to shower.
But I do feel so much better excercising!
I'll drink some water and just pray the sleep I get will be enough for a better mood tomorrow!

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