Friday, March 5, 2010

Friday Day5of31

Up at 4:45am ... well ok, awake ... out of bed by 5.
Saw girls off - feeling nervous for them.Had 2 coffee and my healthy bowl of oatmeal and supplements

Had lots of coffee at school
a granola bar, banana, canned peaches in water, carrots
The class had their 3500 point party and I was the only staff
I had a couple spoon fulls of the icecream that Mary bought for them...
Chocolate with vanilla and chewy bits of cookie
It was delicious.

Stuck around at school till girls got back and got some planning done.
I felt fear rising on the way home - Friday mentality + fatigue + icecream in my system + habit ....

I had a bowl of corn tortilla chips with salsa
another coffee
4 ryvita crackers with PB and J
a pickle.

Made smoothies for girls for supper
I obviously was not hungry.

Went with a friend to walk her friend's dog

Movie night - made popcorn, a veggie platter and set out a bowl of nuts(in shell). I had a bowl of popcorn that I didn't finish, broccoli, celery and peppers, and 2 walnuts - of which I didn't finish, I think they are old.

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