Friday, March 5, 2010

Thursday Day4of31

hmm, lets see if I can remember everything from yesterday...

I had a healthy smoothy for breakfast.

I had snap peas, carrots, and orange and a granola bar at school
No coffee! :) More water

I was very hungry by the time I got home and chose to make a bowl of oat meal, which I add a grated apple, acai powder, cinnamon and some brown sugar to.
I felt good and in control; and like saving a bigger meal that is relatively healthy for me for the time frame that is usually the hardest for me.
I went for walk - boy, do I need to get back on the treadmill! yeesh!

While making supper I opened the cupboard several times and looked at the peanut butter - but had about 15 sunflower seeds (all that was left), and 9 mini round corn chips - I counted!
I made fish with lemon, salt and pepper; fried the left over rice with peppers, celery, green onion and cilantro; and made a nice salad.

I had hoped to cut my sons hair and go on the treadmill - but my daughters are going to the symphony and one needed some foot wear, another was borrowing a dress from a friend that we had to pick up, and my son needs footwear too - so I went to town.

By the time it was done I no longer felt in control. My emotions exploded. I only wanted to buy shoes for daughter and cheap runners for my son for spring - but caved and did more then I should have. My kids don't get a lot - in fact, my one daughter has worn winter boots all winter that hurt her feet because they are too small! So, here we are in the store and my heart is to go all out and buy all they need (never mind the socks and a bra that I actually need too!) But in my rushed feeling and tiredness I give in and buy things for them that they really don't need.

Then I think I have lost my husband's business bank card because its not where I usually see it. Then I get to the truck and have lost the single key I use. It was 8pm by now, I had a friend coming by with a potential skirt for my daughter, still had groceries to buy, my son still had homework to do, and I had to figure out what and how to pack for my diabetic daughter and be up at 5am to see them off on their field trip to the city.

Anyway - I dropped the kids off before going to get groceries - had a good bawl, found the bank card, found the key at Walmart, got groceries and got home.

Friend came with skirt, talked to my husband, got frustrated with my son who seems to need me to help me to his homework (when he reallydoesn't) because its 9:30 now and he hasn't cracked a book, I am obviously not getting a better work out on the treadmill again today, and I'm just starting to figure out stuff for my daughters.

I put in toast.

I came out to the kitchen from talking to one of my girls and my son was 'helping' by putting the toast on a plate and laying everything out for me nicely. Poor boy look like someone punched him when I picked up the toast and told him to throw it out. Then the conversation started with a 10 year old regarding mommy wasting food - I got mad and said something about better in the trash then in my body!

The girls got themselves to bed, I tucked them in and crawled in with my son around 10:30pm.

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