Friday, March 19, 2010

Friday Day19of31

This week has gone from bad to worse. I picked up my hormone cream last night. There is talk of spiritual warfare as my principal has had to deal with more conflict and issues with parents, staff and students in the last couple months then in the last 4 years. I feel depressed and angry and am trying to yank myself free. My sister in law sent a video of the waving flag song for Haiti and it encouraged me. My mom sent me a beautiful video to encourage to live in the moment with love and laughter, which was also a wonderful encourager.

Shame of my body is affecting my response to my husband after him being gone for three weeks, is holding me back from running to meet old friends, and the thought of my neices wedding ...

Well, I've spent an hour on the computer catching up from not checking my facebook, email or this blog for the last week. It's time for me to get out the door, ...

Do you ever want to just run away somewhere all by yourself?
Yah, this is disjointed, blah, blah, blah ... I should at least put something though right?

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