Saturday, March 6, 2010

*Saturday Day6of31

Mmm, sleep. I awoke, turned the clock and it was about 7:45. I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth etc. ;P , stretched, cracked the window open even more so that a good solid breeze was blowing in, and snuggled back under the covers with my sleeping daughter. As I allowed myself to fall in and out of sleep I enjoyed listening to the birds outside my window and watching the room grow brighter with the morning sun. My son came in and gave me a kiss and whispered he was going for his morning bike ride. I love mornings like this.

Somehow the beauty quickly dissipated within my soul. I came downstairs to get on the treadmill, decided to log in my morning so far first, and then opened Facebook (errr-bad decision) ... Dylan came home and came downstairs. He told me of his wonderful morning ride and then commented on the time. Immediately I felt angry that I no longer had time to go on the treadmill - that I had to go upstairs and make breakfast for my diabetic daughter. How selfish is that!? I seem way too, acutely, tuned into how fast time flies and any 'interruption' to slow up my day irritates me. But I have been finding that I am learning to really be conscious of living in the moment, and to consciously try to live intentionally.

He asked for bacon or sausage and my snarpy snaps began. I made bacon and eggs and toast for them. Then I hugged my son and asked him to forgive me. I had a piece of bacon, filled a water bottle and went downstairs.
10 minutes, program 1, 3.6/ stretched/ 10 minutes, program 2, 3.6/ 10 minutes, program 1, 4.0/ 2 minutes, 3.6 - cool down/ Floor excercises and stretches.

Been too long since I had a good work out and it feels great.

253 Showered, went uptown with friend to get things for school, made smoothies for lunch and tried Dragon Fruit :) , then spent afternoon trying different methods of making Easter eggs and painting 'baskets'. Did some more running around.

Scooped some of Tucker's poops, tried to clean up under bird feeder, tidied back yard a bit, and worked on getting front flower bed cleaned up.

Made supper - cooked chicken chunks, mixed with cream of chicken soup, potatoes, 2 veggie trays and a salad (of which I had salad and a tomato), and a glass of Topicana Orange Juice

Kept laundry going throughout the day. After supper swept and washed floor, vacuumed. Got a phone call - went to visit two friends - one to drop off fundraising stuff, one to pick up BIG cardboard boxes for kindergarten (they just got a washer and dryer) - took boxes to school, and then stopped at store for some snacks for kids.

Am trying to get away from artificial sweeteners so I bought Beaver Company pop from BC - actually all natural ingredients like cloves and cinnamon! AND the kids like it. I also bought the better flavored water for Christine and I. They wanted icecream, so I bought mini revels. And then I also bought chips and dark chocolate... splitting headache, longing for bed, but also longing for some 'veg' time with a book or movie.

Ended up having a bowl of chips, a 'morsel' of the chocolate and a flavored water.

I came down to finish today's entry - I am really struggling not to eat more junk. I think I will curl up with the book -harder to eat then.

I'm looking forward to getting on the treadmill again tomorrow.

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