Sunday, March 7, 2010

Sunday Day7of31

Don't really want to talk about today ... morning started out alright.
I had intended to make it a day of rest and allowed myself a coffee.
Had my oatmeal with apple, cinnamon and acai berry powder.
But who knows after that.

I have enjoyed laughing at the squeels and excitement as both my daughters have entered the world of novels and the love of reading. One of their teachers gave them the Hunger Games and Catching Fire - and I consequently thought a day of rest would be a good day to read some for myself.
But I shouldn't read books - for I too get lost in the new world and become a character there - and consequently an absentee mother.
And I too now must wait anxiously for the third book to come out in August. ;P

Tomorrow marks a week - a typical weigh in day - well, I was still hovering 251 and 253 this morning; and I caved and ate wheat today; so I can only imagine I won't be all excited tomorrow morning about being closer to my goal this month.
But I must not give way to self pity! My eldest hates to wake to the treadmill and music, but has shown willingness to allow it this evening even though she's in bed.

I will take to the treadmill, 20min. program 1, 3.8, threw in one incline 8.
I will consider it well done that I achieved laundry, meals, dishes, ironing AND a whole book on a day of 'rest',
and regardless of the number tomorrow morning
I will persevere and push on - what was it my calendar says this month - to advance confidently in the direction of (my) dreams, and endeavor to lead a life which (I) have imagined
- to encourage myself I ponder what I know...

What do I know of excercise?
releases serotonin (feel good hormone ;) ),
increases mitochondria - which are fat burning cells in our muscles,
improves circulation,
strengthens heart and lungs,
releases stress,
and gives a sense of well being.

Let's just hope the energy it gives won't keep me up too late!

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