Monday, August 9, 2010

This fleeting life

Roughly about 3 weeks ago I decided to get on the right track health wise and at least take my multi's. I had been given some and it became very obvious, very quickly, that my body was having an adverse side effect. My eldest and youngest were gone, my second child was still asleep with her cousin and my husband was away at work. I took the pills and sat at the table for some devotional time. I was expecting the niacin reaction, but it began getting very intense, so I went to lie on the couch. My hearing got muffled, I was struggling to breath and as I reached up to touch my burning face I realized it was very swollen. I got up to go to the bathroom and got dizzy, seeing stars and my vision got blurry. I reached the bathroom and was astonished at just how swollen I was. Fear gripped me as I realized just how difficult it was getting to breath, my hearing and sight were nil at this point and a staggered back to the table - crying out to God and wondering if I should call 911 or what. It very much felt that I could suffocate very shortly. When you experience something like that there is so much that flies through your mind. I breathed deeply and tried to relax and I could feel it subsiding a bit, so I continued to wait it out. About an hour later I was finally able to function decently again.

"Show me, O LORD, my life's end
and the number of my days;
let me know how fleeting is my life.
You have made my days a mere handbreadth;
the span of my years is as nothing before you.
Each man's life is but a breath. Selah" (Ps.39:4-5)

On the Friday that I left my mom's to pick up my daughter from camp I was driving alone in my husband's work truck. As I was crossing a main double lane highway I grabbed the wrong gear and stalled the truck. Two vehicles came speeding around the corner and I narrowly got missed. I will confess it shook me up, and again, I became acutely aware at how fleeting my life truly is.

"But I trusted in, relied on, and was confident in You, O Lord;
I said, You are my God.
My times are in Your hands;..." (Ps.31:14-15)

After the truck stalled, I continued on my way south to pick up my daughter from camp. I decided to take a detour to the east to see a friend, wondering if that was wise considering the muggy heat and dark clouds. She and I visited for a bit and when I went outside I saw I had had a call from my husband. I called him back and he informed me a tornado touched down 5km West of Sundre ... looking at the map, I would have been going through Sundre had I not detoured. (My poor husband was so worried as he was unable to reach me! I must remember to keep my phone on me!)

It was still hot and muggy and the black clouds were still rolling in from the west when I left, and I will admit I left with a prayer on my lips. As I followed the highway I seemed to stay on the outskirts of the storm and only saw very heavy rain (you know when you start to wonder if the half ton can hydroplane that there is a lot of rain!). I got a bit turned around in Didsbury and had to stop and ask for directions, got back on my way and as I was about half an hour out of Cochrane I came to the top of a hill and saw the snow and hail in the ditches. I thanked God - thinking that my stall in Didsbury had kept me from this dump - and continued to my aunt's in Cochrane. Watching the news that evening with them I saw that stretch of highway where I had seen white in the ditches - except, seemingly shortly after I passed through it really dumped. There was easily 6 inches of slush on the highway itself, people were stuck and mirrors were broken from the large hail.

"God declares that His hand “has laid the foundation of the earth,
and His right hand has spread out the heavens.”
“In His hand are the deep places of the earth.
The heights of the mountains are His also.”
“He holds the waters in the hollow of His hand.”
“A man’s goings are established by Jehovah,
and He delights in his way.
Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down,
for Jehovah upholds him with His hand.”
(Isa. 48:13; Psa. 95:4; Isa. 40:12; Ps. 37:24) "
(taken from Letters of Hope)

" I lift up my eyes to the hills—
where does my help come from?
My help comes from the LORD,
the Maker of heaven and earth.
He will not let your foot slip—
he who watches over you will not slumber;" (Ps.121:1-3)

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