Wednesday, July 28, 2010


(photos courtesy my mom :)
... many were much bigger)
During my short visit at my mom's this week we were able to get her garden weeded - well, the last 6 or so rows that she hadn't gotten to yet. Sometimes we can intellectually come up with clever ideas, but I am learning the difference between that, and when God is speaking to my spirit. On my knees He spoke to me.

Some weeds are easy to pull, and even a pleasure, but thistles, they're tough. I could pull and pull on some, with all I had, only to have it rip at the stem.

We could have just kept tugging at them, and given the garden an appearance of being weeded, but they'd quickly regrow - and it still would have taken a lot of effort.

Mom came and gave Samantha and I a spade and commented that its a two man job. While one dug the other pulled. Samantha would dig down a bit, I'd tug but it wouldn't budge. So she's spade some more and as she did I could feel the long, big root easily slide out.

In my striving, (and trying not to strive!), I've worked very hard, tugged with all my might, only to have a stumpy weed still left that quickly regrows. For some problems in our lives we need to ask for help, and use 'tools' to help us.

So I will share my simple prayer I wrote in my journal:

Heavenly Father I pray that Your Holy Spirit be my spade and You be my helper. I will continue to tug - gently - trusting that when the time is right these roots of gluttony, jealousy, envy and laziness will easily slide out.

I was also reminded of what my sister Becca had said over me a few years back. Some weeds are a simple 1 stem root, while others, like chick weed, have a spider root. Any part of the root left and it regrows. She felt that why I wasn't experiencing 'freedom' yet was because God was (and is) in the midst of ensuring He has each part of the root loosened before He pulls.

Maybe this wasn't a crazy, all new revelation - but I sensed the hope and encouragement in my spirit. And all from thistles! :D
For we are fellow workmen (joint promoters, laborers together) with and for God; you are God's garden and vineyard and field under cultivation, [you are] God's building.(1Cor.3:9)
And I am convinced and sure of this very thing, that He Who began a good work in you
will continue until the day of Jesus Christ
[right up to the time of His return],
developing [that good work]
and perfecting
and bringing it to full completion in you.(Phil.1:6)

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