Thursday, April 8, 2010

My sister's letter (appearances!)

After writing this morning my mom received the most recent of my sister's letter "The Adventure Called Life". In it she discusses her body's struggle with cancer in Feb. of 08 ... a good two years ago. She entitled it "Appearances" and it opens with 1 Samuel 16:7
"But the Lord said to Samuel,
Look not on his appearance or at the height of his stature,
for I have rejected him.
For the Lord sees not as man sees;
for man looks on the outward appearance,
but the Lord looks on the heart."

How timely Becca!

In her letter she shares how this was one of the worst times for her. She was retaining a LOT of fluid (due to her type 3 ovarian cancer for those who missed earlier blogs!) and some people had commented on how brave she was to have another baby. Their reaction was surprise as she shared the truth of her tummy, and of course she then shared her faith and the great God she serves! :)

From that she drew that, although for all appearance sake, she seemed to be carrying life within her, she was, in reality, carrying death. She goes on to apply that to Christian lives and ministries. (Of course her letter contains much more to chew on, but that's the essence of the appearance portion)

It's now April 2010, her tummy is swelled greatly and she is tired. Tomorrow she will have her tummy drained again, mom will find out how much and send out the results with her letter to numerous people. I love my sister so much and am so proud of her. If anyone is a living example of walking in faith, love and joy it is my sister. If there is anyone who demonstrates total surrender and faith in God it is her. If you are reading this, all your prayers are still very much coveted.

(picture taken in St.Albert when we hooked up for lunch.)

UPDATE!!! Becca averages the amount of fluid removed by the number of weeks since her last drainage. This is what my mom wrote in the update:

"Rebecca had her abdomen drained last Friday, April 9th. They removed 4500 ml of fluid and she added to that the 160 ml they removed before Christmas. The weekly average in September after 10 weeks was 730ml, in October after 6 weeks was 383 ml and this month after 24 weeks was 194ml. So it is coming down!"

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