Monday, April 19, 2010

It's not about...

Today a friend left a copy of some encouraging words in my mailbox shoot at the school. Considering the wild mixture of emotions and thoughts running through me I have chosen to share the words of encouragement here - perhaps typing them out will help settle my soul.

"It's not about following our career path
It's about following His call upon our lives.
(Matt. 16:24)
It's not about our self-efforts to live for Him;
It's about letting Him live His life in us.
(Gal. 2:20)
It's not about our attempts at self-improvement;
It's about His transforming grace.
(2Cor. 5:17)
It's not about our self-image;
Its' about being conformed to his image.
It's not about wanting the approval of others;
It's about having His approval.
(2 tim. 2:15)"

(Taken from "Roy's devotional at Meet Me in the Meadows")

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