Thursday, April 22, 2010

Blooming 3

The tulips are coming along nicely, and thankfully we've had some rain now too. As you can see in the following photo, some of the smaller tulips are actually showing some yellow! I figured since my photos ran on the 2 and 12th, it be only right I show the 22nd too! I am also pleased to report that my Tigerlilies and Peonies (sp!?) are showing their little heads through the dirt now too.

Another event just took place regarding plants. There were two very large black poplar trees in our neighbors back yard, and one more that was two thirds on their property, and one third on ours. The amount of leaves that fall every year fills many back yards, and the stickies in the spring cover everything - including their little dogs long hair every time it steps outside. So they came and talked to us and the decision was made to see them go. It is very sad.

It will be much hotter in our backyard now. When I needed to take five I could go out and lean back in a lawn chair with only their green/orange leaves and the blue sky in my vision and escape, now it seems so naked out there. The bird watching won't be as magnificent either. I'm not upset, just sad.
Change is tough, but inevitable. In life we sometimes need a little rain, a little fertilizer, a little weeding and pruning ... and we also sometimes need to utterly remove something from our lives. Too bad it isn't as easy as removing YEARS of growth in three black poplar trees.

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